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Journal News


Call for new Conversations editors for IFJP

If you are interested in joining the new editorial team of the International Feminist Journal of Politics as ‘Conversations Editors’ (role description below) please send a one-page letter of application saying why you would like to join IFJP’s team, what relevant experiences you have, and what your ideas are for developing the Conversations section. Please also attach a short CV. Email both of these to Natália Félix de Souza.

The deadline for applications is November 1st 2021. We expect the new Conversations Editors to start working in the transition by mid-November 2021 (with some flexibility on the dates).

Any questions - please email Natália Félix de Souza.

Conversations Editor Role

The Conversations Editors are responsible for developing and overseeing the Conversations section for each issue of the IFJP, which typically includes interviews with scholars and/or practitioners and/or activists; narratives and short stories; photo essays, artistic pieces and poetry; and other “non-traditional” modes of writing. The aim of Conversations is to offer space and opportunity to make strong and innovative theoretical and practical contributions to, or interventions in, feminist debates in relation to global politics, without necessarily using the standard academic form. While each issue will be slightly different, Conversations typically includes 2–3 items that are internally peer-reviewed. The Conversations internal review is characterized by a collaborative process of thoughtful engagement and the provision of feedback that will ensure each piece is original, interesting to IFJP’s audience, and of publishable standard. Conversations Editors work to encourage diversity of content in terms of format, topic, author location and seniority.

Each of the Conversations Editors typically spend 2–4 hours per week on a variety of tasks that include:

  • Reviewing and providing constructive feedback on potential contributions.

  • Convening forums and soliciting submissions around selected topical themes.

  • Editing and copy-editing submissions for Conversations in conjunction with contributors and, where appropriate, special issue editors.

  • Tracking accepted contributions and ensuring timely submission of each issue’s Conversations items.

  • Helping to get out the word about new Conversations items via social media, in collaboration with the Editor of Digital Media.

  • Liaising with IFJP’s co-editors as well as its publisher, Taylor & Francis.

  • Annual reporting to the IFJP board.

The Conversations section has been a site of innovative and provocative conversations within the field and drives readership to any given issue. This IFJP leadership team is interested in continuing this wonderful reputation and in further developing its potential. Please consider our mission below and joining us in the capacity of the Conversations editor(s). This role has been historically filled by a duo. We encourage the team approach, including those who might be interested in leading the journal when the current editorial team’s tenure expires.

IFJP Editorial Team Mission

The new editors-in-chief of the International Feminist Journal of Politics for the period 2022 to 2025 embrace the idea that, more than ever, politics requires multi-located, multi-vocal feminist deliberation and action. Feminist theorizing and gender studies offer incisive critiques of hegemonic knowledges and power-laden systems, and are a creative source for imagining worlds beyond the current cataclysm. Our vision is thus to nurture the journal as a robust dialogic and collaborative space of accountability and transformation that challenges global injustice, structural and epistemic silencing and oppression, and in this way be a part of contemporary international feminist politics of resistance. This means amplifying feminist voices and feminist ideas in all their diversity and reclaiming feminist theory and knowledge production to undermine intersecting global hierarchies. We are cognizant that this can generate epistemic friction, and understand that different theoretical standpoints or analytical perspectives may clash. This will need careful moderating in order not to foreclose possibilities or shut down discussions. Our intent is to foster dialogue and openness to a diversity of approaches, including those that may stand in tension to each other, yet with a firm anchoring of feminist approaches in all their multiplicity.

IFJP GlobalCfP